Pulmonary rehabilitation aims to reduce symptoms, decrease disability, increase participation in physical and social activities, and improve the overall quality of life (QOL) for patients with chronic respiratory disease. These goals are achieved through patient and family education, exercise training, psychosocial and behavioral intervention, and outcome assessment
Its a clinically efficient and cost effective in improving health and quality of life, it helps to mobilize the secretions.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation treats
● Cystic fibrosis
● Chronic Bronchitis
● Emphysema & many more pulmonary condition management
● Use of acapella .
● Chest physiotherapy.
● Postural drainage
● Incentive spirometry
● Percussion vibration(Mechanical)
● Assistive cough devices Manual Therapy
● Spinal manipulation.
● Joint Mobilization
● Myofascial release
● Manual lymphatic drainage