Neurological Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation involves the treatment of people
with movement and function disorder that have originated from brain and spinal
cord, neuromuscular system. These condition often present with muscle weakness, poor balance, incoordination, uncontrolled muscle spasm, tremors, loss of function and decreased sensation.
Common neurological condition include;
Functional neurological disorder
Stroke, CVA or TIA (paralysis)
Spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries
Parkinson’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Post discharge/ after hospital
Following your discharge from hospital you can visit Udbhav rehab and physiotherapy clinic. Institutional rehabilitation is also provided on charitable basis with free accommodation in association with ARPAN SHRI RADHESHYAM ASHAKT SUVIDHA KENDRA.
We can help you to achieve your goal through
● Facilitation of normal movement
●spasticity management
● Balance Assessment & treatment
● Education of self management of your condition
● Exercise therapy
●Splinting orthotic devices
●Vestibular rehabilitation
● Re-education of walking ( gait training)
●fall prevention
EMG biofeedback
Hand robotics
Condition -we work with people Following an injury to brain ,spinal cord and
● Stroke
● Balance Disorder
● Brain injury
● a post spinal surgery rehabilitation ( potts spine, cauda equine syndrome)
● Parkinsons
● Multiple sclerosis
● Motor neuron disease
● spinal cord injury
● peripheral neuropathy
● Guillain barre syndrome
& much more.